Saturday, November 23, 2013

Larry hernandez is usually a dick you know. but when he gets faded, and like he is in a private spot with other artists jamming , he really gets down.. great Voice . He got big you know so ego's and i can understand . all artists get that . but you don't want it to control you . or change you .. too much lol . you can still only fuck top notch Bitches and leave the other ones for THA HOMIE JIMROCK !! WHO TAKES THE GOOD PICS OF YOU !! REMEMBER ME LOL !! anyways . He's funny af.. so is DAREY , Darey and Nacho hernandez, both funny af. always making Jokes.. Arley, Jesus Ojeda, Buitres, Even Komander ... more quiet types, but arley is cool a/f too when you get to know him .. El tigrillo Palma is prob the Humblest one, he stays a while giving autographs, he really loves his fans, and him and trini put on a good show, they got giveaways, and they rock it.. Tigrillo is GANGSTER.. prob the me in sinaloa\fd

Larry hernandez is usually a dick you know. but when he gets faded, and like he is in a private spot with other artists jamming , he really gets down.. great Voice . He got big you know so ego's and i can understand . all artists get that . but you don't want it to control you . or change you .. too much lol .  you can still only fuck top notch Bitches and leave the other ones for THA HOMIE JIMROCK !! WHO TAKES THE GOOD PICS OF YOU !! REMEMBER ME LOL !!  anyways . He's funny af.. so is DAREY , Darey and Nacho hernandez, both funny af. always making Jokes.. Arley, Jesus Ojeda, Buitres, Even Komander ...  more quiet types, but arley is cool a/f too when you get to know him .. El tigrillo Palma is prob the Humblest one, he stays a while giving autographs, he really loves his fans, and him and trini put on a good show, they got giveaways, and they rock it.. Tigrillo is GANGSTER.. prob the me in sinaloa\fd

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