Friday, April 5, 2013

in 2013 More ppl going to JAIL , More PPL Busted, Less and Less Slangers and Pimps, Pushas and Killers on the streets.. Some Local San Diego Sureno gang's are almost extinct , with only a few members left scattered to scared to mobb together because of new Injunctions .. Some still banging , cuz shit is fucked up .. cuz maybe these girls aint fuckin ? or that bud aint good... It's everything .. no parties.. no Money .. no gas. no jobs. no future .. Alot of Stressed out dudes out there frustrated with everything , just trying to get by .. trying to live .. not the American Dream , but just to maintain ... Everyone finding that small piece of happiness they can grab on to , whatever it might be. cuz that's all we got .. I blame many things .. but what worries me alot is the amount of Arrests by the DEA, FBI and ICe agents across San Diego in the last 2 years ... If they aren't Raiding Some spot, they investigating another. nobody Lasts. Dudes are in Stealth mode, with ANTI RADAR stealth technology on them , so they can operate in peace .. without dumb ass cops pressing some charge , that is a word in a book another man made , to stop people from earning a living without paying taxes . cuz that is what cops, and Cities and SD, and CALI wants. they want a cut .. a piece .. if im fuckin, they wanna touch some tities .. at least .. all these Agencies are here to keep property Values up , Violent Crime Down , and make sure they can lock up as many Mexicans and Black people as they can find .. What worries me about all the arrests .. is the amount. and the speed of them ? dudes are getting locked up faster than ever , even low pro guys .. all kinds... Are the Cops getting smarter? or .... are there SNITCHES .. INFORMANTS .. I press more stronger penalties on snitches , cuz ... they just fuck up the game. its not fair .. that's not how you play the game.. that is not an HONORABLE , way to do things .

in 2013 More ppl going to JAIL , More PPL Busted, Less and Less Slangers and Pimps, Pushas and Killers on the streets.. Some Local San Diego Sureno gang's are almost extinct , with only a few members left scattered to scared to mobb together because of new Injunctions .. Some still banging , cuz shit is fucked up .. cuz maybe these girls aint fuckin ? or that bud aint good... It's everything .. no parties.. no Money .. no gas. no jobs. no future .. Alot of Stressed out dudes out there frustrated with everything , just trying to get by .. trying to live .. not the American Dream , but just to maintain ... Everyone finding that small piece of happiness they can grab on to , whatever it might be. cuz that's all we got .. I blame many things .. but what worries me alot is the amount of Arrests by the DEA, FBI and ICe agents across San Diego in the last 2 years ... If they aren't Raiding Some spot, they investigating another. nobody Lasts. Dudes are in Stealth mode, with ANTI RADAR stealth technology on them , so they can operate in peace .. without dumb ass cops pressing some charge , that is a word in a book another man made , to stop people from earning a living without paying taxes . cuz that is what cops, and Cities and SD, and CALI wants. they want a cut .. a piece .. if im fuckin, they wanna touch some tities .. at least .. all these Agencies are here to keep property Values up , Violent Crime Down , and make sure they can lock up as many Mexicans and Black people as they can find .. What worries me about all the arrests .. is the amount. and the speed of them ? dudes are getting locked up faster than ever , even low pro guys .. all kinds... Are the Cops getting smarter? or .... are there SNITCHES .. INFORMANTS .. I press more stronger penalties on snitches , cuz ... they just fuck up the game. its not fair .. that's not how you play the game.. that is not an HONORABLE , way to do things .

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