For the Gangstas, The Killas, and the drug Dealors, You know we get it cracking !! JimROck Seo King of San Diego . Google Placement Help . Webmaster. Graphic Designer . Located in 760 San Marcos San Diego Ca. 760-304-2011 . Props to Escondido and Vista. Im From Chula Vista. I love to make Websites. Im huge on youtube with oer 40 Million Views...
Friday, June 28, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013 ... LADIES YOU TRYING TO Kick it with a G .. well drop that zero you with. and Know LIL MAn makes it crack . FOOLS wanna Jack , cuz HE HOLDING TOO MUCH BUD . but its ALL LOVE .. cuz He rolls ON DUBS .. ... LADIES YOU TRYING TO Kick it with a G .. well drop that zero you with. and Know LIL MAn makes it crack . FOOLS wanna Jack , cuz HE HOLDING TOO MUCH BUD . but its ALL LOVE .. cuz He rolls ON DUBS ..
WHO NEEDS MUSIC VIDEOS ? 760-304-2011 . who needs full flyers designed and have pics ? cd covers now? pay pal .. WHO NEEDS LOGOS ? GIRLS Ive BEEN DOING GLAMOR GHETTO SHoots too . head shot , model stop .. also umm .. FACEBOOK QUICK Photo shoots CHEAP RIGHT NOW . COme to my hood HALF OFF ..
WHO NEEDS MUSIC VIDEOS ? 760-304-2011 . who needs full flyers designed and have pics ? cd covers now? pay pal .. WHO NEEDS LOGOS ? GIRLS Ive BEEN DOING GLAMOR GHETTO SHoots too . head shot , model stop .. also umm .. FACEBOOK QUICK Photo shoots CHEAP RIGHT NOW . COme to my hood HALF OFF ..
Top 20 Best-Paying Jobs For Women In 2012 1 of 20 Larry Williams/Getty Images No. 1: Pharmacists Median weekly earnings: $1,898 Approximate median yearly earnings: $99,000 Women as percentage of the profession: 56% Earnings as percentage of men's earnings: 95% Over the past three decades women’s median income has increased 63%, and now more than a third of working wives earn more than their husbands. It’s no surprise when, although they were once discouraged from pursuing higher education, women now surpass men in achievement of bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Across sectors, women continue earning only 82 cents for every dollar earned by men, but more and more they are landing high-paying professional jobs and narrowing the gap. An analysis of the median weekly earnings of full-time American workers in 2011 by occupation and gender, as tracked by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, shows the top 20 jobs where women are earning the most. All require some college and most are concentrated in health care, science and technology, and business fields. At No. 1, pharmacist is the best-paying job for women, where they earn a median of $1,898 a week or approximately $99,000 a year. Women comprise more than half (56%) of all pharmacists and earn nearly as a much as men in the job. Moreover, the field offers more than 10,000 annual openings and is expected to grow 25% by 2020. 21 images Photos: Top 20 Best-Paying Cities For Women 11 images Photos: The 10 Best Jobs For Women In 2012 “Pharmacy is known for paying very well straight out of school and all the way through your career,” says Katie Bardaro, lead economist at compensation research firm PayScale. “It’s a very good return on investment in terms of money and time spent on education.” While pharmacists must achieve a four-year professional degree and pass licensing exams, physicians and surgeons attend four years of medical school and complete three to eight years of internship and residency. Yet, for women, doctor comes in as the fourth highest paying job—behind pharmacists, lawyers (No. 2) and computer and information systems managers (No. 3)—with median weekly earnings of $1,527 or about $79,000 a year. They also earn 21% less than male doctors. Bardaro explains that physicians face a much wider range of specialty and practice type. Men trend toward high-risk, high-paying areas like plastic and brain surgery, she says, while women are more likely to move into lower-paying specialties like general practice and pediatrics. Even so, health-care jobs feature some of the best salaries, highest female representation and figure prominently on this list. Female nurse practitioners (No. 6) earn a median of $1,432 a week and hold 85% of positions. Women are also the majority of psychologists (No. 10), physical therapists (No. 12), occupational therapists (No. 13) and medical and health services managers (No. 16), and all earn more than $60,000 a year. “It pays to be in a field that’s female-dominated,” says Caren Goldberg, a management professor at American University’s business school in Washington, D.C., who studies gender and pay, “because in a large group of women you’re less likely to be seen as a ‘typical’ female and thus less likely to experience discrimination.” The STEM fields—science, technology, engineering and math—also feature strong projected growth, high salaries and narrower gender wage gaps, but women are less likely to pursue them. Female software developers (No. 7) earn a median of $1,388 a week, and female computer programmers (No. 11) earn $1,238. Yet women make up just 18% and 20%, respectively, of these workers. “STEM fields offer a lot of job opportunities, and we should encourage more women to move into them,” says Bardaro. She speculates that extremely male-dominated fields, like technology, feel less welcoming and open to women. “It’s hard to go against the grain.” Traditionally male leadership positions have also been tougher for women to catch up in. Chief executive (No. 5) is one of the top-paying jobs for women, with median weekly earnings of $1,464, or about $76,000 a year. However, women hold just a quarter of these titles and earn 31% less than their male peers—a difference of $658 each week. Similarly, female marketing and sales managers (No. 19) make 32% less than men in the job. In Bardaro’s research into these occupations, even when factors like education, experience, location, industry and firm size are considered there remains a large wage gap that is likely only explained by discrimination. “When there’s a boys club, women don’t have strength in numbers,” she says. “Women are also known for being less successful at salary negotiations, and that gets even more pronounced as you move up the ladder.” The good news, says Bardaro, is women’s high educational attainment has dramatically shifted the jobs and salaries available to them. “It takes time to see major change, but I think we’re finally seeing the fruits of our mothers’ labor.”
Over the past three decades women’s median income has increased 63%, and now more than a third of working wives earn more than their husbands. It’s no surprise when, although they were once discouraged from pursuing higher education, women now surpass men in achievement of bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
Across sectors, women continue earning only 82 cents for every dollar earned by men, but more and more they are landing high-paying professional jobs and narrowing the gap. An analysis of the median weekly earnings of full-time American workers in 2011 by occupation and gender, as tracked by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, shows the top 20 jobs where women are earning the most. All require some college and most are concentrated in health care, science and technology, and business fields.
At No. 1, pharmacist is the best-paying job for women, where they earn a median of $1,898 a week or approximately $99,000 a year. Women comprise more than half (56%) of all pharmacists and earn nearly as a much as men in the job. Moreover, the field offers more than 10,000 annual openings and is expected to grow 25% by 2020.
“Pharmacy is known for paying very well straight out of school and all the way through your career,” says Katie Bardaro, lead economist at compensation research firm PayScale. “It’s a very good return on investment in terms of money and time spent on education.”
While pharmacists must achieve a four-year professional degree and pass licensing exams, physicians and surgeons attend four years of medical school and complete three to eight years of internship and residency. Yet, for women, doctor comes in as the fourth highest paying job—behind pharmacists, lawyers (No. 2) and computer and information systems managers (No. 3)—with median weekly earnings of $1,527 or about $79,000 a year. They also earn 21% less than male doctors.
Bardaro explains that physicians face a much wider range of specialty and practice type. Men trend toward high-risk, high-paying areas like plastic and brain surgery, she says, while women are more likely to move into lower-paying specialties like general practice and pediatrics.
Even so, health-care jobs feature some of the best salaries, highest female representation and figure prominently on this list. Female nurse practitioners (No. 6) earn a median of $1,432 a week and hold 85% of positions. Women are also the majority of psychologists (No. 10), physical therapists (No. 12), occupational therapists (No. 13) and medical and health services managers (No. 16), and all earn more than $60,000 a year.
“It pays to be in a field that’s female-dominated,” says Caren Goldberg, a management professor at American University’s business school in Washington, D.C., who studies gender and pay, “because in a large group of women you’re less likely to be seen as a ‘typical’ female and thus less likely to experience discrimination.”
The STEM fields—science, technology, engineering and math—also feature strong projected growth, high salaries and narrower gender wage gaps, but women are less likely to pursue them. Female software developers (No. 7) earn a median of $1,388 a week, and female computer programmers (No. 11) earn $1,238. Yet women make up just 18% and 20%, respectively, of these workers.
“STEM fields offer a lot of job opportunities, and we should encourage more women to move into them,” says Bardaro. She speculates that extremely male-dominated fields, like technology, feel less welcoming and open to women. “It’s hard to go against the grain.”
Traditionally male leadership positions have also been tougher for women to catch up in. Chief executive (No. 5) is one of the top-paying jobs for women, with median weekly earnings of $1,464, or about $76,000 a year. However, women hold just a quarter of these titles and earn 31% less than their male peers—a difference of $658 each week. Similarly, female marketing and sales managers (No. 19) make 32% less than men in the job.
In Bardaro’s research into these occupations, even when factors like education, experience, location, industry and firm size are considered there remains a large wage gap that is likely only explained by discrimination. “When there’s a boys club, women don’t have strength in numbers,” she says. “Women are also known for being less successful at salary negotiations, and that gets even more pronounced as you move up the ladder.”
The good news, says Bardaro, is women’s high educational attainment has dramatically shifted the jobs and salaries available to them. “It takes time to see major change, but I think we’re finally seeing the fruits of our mothers’ labor.”
TOP JOBS OF THE NEW YEAR FOR WOMEN !! Whether you are thinking about taking a few more classes or want to make the most out of the skills you already have, the new year is a perfect time to take advantage of careers in high demand. We've compiled a list of the hottest jobs for women in 2013 and are ready to share them with you to keep you one step ahead in the workforce. 1 Physical or Occupational Therapist With the rising number of elderly patients and also the increasing number of children qualifying for physical and/or occupational therapists, both of these positions are in high demand. If you have the qualifications or are close to finishing your degree now is the time to get yourself back in the workforce. 2 Nurse The nursing field seems to always be in high demand, landing a position in the top 10 list on almost every hot jobs list out there. While demanding, nursing school and the career that follows can be very gratifying, which makes a career in nursing a smart choice for 2013. 3 Virtual assistant While not the most high paying position out there, becoming a virtual assistant can leave you with the flexibility and independence you need while letting you work from the comfort of your computer. Consider checking out a site like to find the perfect position for you. 4 Dental hygenist The flexibility of a position as a dental hygenist can be an attractive aspect of this job, and the pay also makes this a great new career choice. Hygenists salaries have a wide range but can be as high as $67,000 annually. 5 Software developer You've been dabbling in computer programming and dream of plans for the next best app for your phone, now's the time to put those dreams in motion. According to a recently released study from CareerBuilder and Economic Marketing Specialists Intl. (ESMI), there have been more than 70,000 new software developer positions created since 2010. 6 Pharmacist In the No. 3 spot on the U.S. News & World Report list of top jobs for 2013, this job is in high demand for 2013. A lucrative salary and an array of job openings all over the country make this one of the hottest professions of the new year. 7 Job training specialist At a time when every company out there is trying to do things faster, better and in more cost effective manner, job trainers of all kinds are in high demand. What are your best skills? Could you turn them into a training career and find a new path for your talents this year? 8 Accountant Are you a few credits away from that accounting degree or do you already have one you are considering putting to good use again? Now is the time to do it. According to the Careerbuilder and EMSI study, accountants continue to be in high demand with the field maintaining steady salaries and growth since 2010. 9 Pet groomer/ trainer/assistant You have seen pets dressed better than their owners, pet daycare centers and dog-walking services that cost more than your car payment. If you have a love for animals and are looking for a way to fill up your days and your pocketbook, think about putting your skills to work and looking out for someone else's pet. 10 Social media specialist If you spend most of your day on Facebook, Twitter or managing your blog why not find a way to turn this time into a career? Social media specialists are in high demand as companies learn that the best way to connect with their customers is to meet them where they spend the most time... at their computer.
Whether you are thinking about taking a few more classes or want to make the most out of the skills you already have, the new year is a perfect time to take advantage of careers in high demand. We've compiled a list of the hottest jobs for women in 2013 and are ready to share them with you to keep you one step ahead in the workforce.
Physical or
Occupational Therapist
With the rising number of elderly patients and also the increasing number of children qualifying for physical and/or occupational therapists, both of these positions are in high demand. If you have the qualifications or are close to finishing your degree now is the time to get yourself back in the workforce.
The nursing field seems to always be in high demand, landing a position in the top 10 list on almost every hot jobs list out there. While demanding, nursing school and the career that follows can be very gratifying, which makes a career in nursing a smart choice for 2013.
Virtual assistant
While not the most high paying position out there, becoming a virtual assistant can leave you with the flexibility and independence you need while letting you work from the comfort of your computer. Consider checking out a site like to find the perfect position for you.
Dental hygenist
The flexibility of a position as a dental hygenist can be an attractive aspect of this job, and the pay also makes this a great new career choice. Hygenists salaries have a wide range but can be as high as $67,000 annually.
Software developer
You've been dabbling in computer programming and dream of plans for the next best app for your phone, now's the time to put those dreams in motion. According to a recently released study from CareerBuilder and Economic Marketing Specialists Intl. (ESMI), there have been more than 70,000 new software developer positions created since 2010.
In the No. 3 spot on the U.S. News & World Report list of top jobs for 2013, this job is in high demand for 2013. A lucrative salary and an array of job openings all over the country make this one of the hottest professions of the new year.
Job training specialist
At a time when every company out there is trying to do things faster, better and in more cost effective manner, job trainers of all kinds are in high demand. What are your best skills? Could you turn them into a training career and find a new path for your talents this year?
Are you a few credits away from that accounting degree or do you already have one you are considering putting to good use again? Now is the time to do it. According to the Careerbuilder and EMSI study, accountants continue to be in high demand with the field maintaining steady salaries and growth since 2010.
Pet groomer/
You have seen pets dressed better than their owners, pet daycare centers and dog-walking services that cost more than your car payment. If you have a love for animals and are looking for a way to fill up your days and your pocketbook, think about putting your skills to work and looking out for someone else's pet.
Social media specialist
If you spend most of your day on Facebook, Twitter or managing your blog why not find a way to turn this time into a career? Social media specialists are in high demand as companies learn that the best way to connect with their customers is to meet them where they spend the most time... at their computer.
Whether you are thinking about taking a few more classes or want to make the most out of the skills you already have, the new year is a perfect time to take advantage of careers in high demand. We've compiled a list of the hottest jobs for women in 2013 and are ready to share them with you to keep you one step ahead in the workforce.
Physical or
Occupational Therapist
With the rising number of elderly patients and also the increasing number of children qualifying for physical and/or occupational therapists, both of these positions are in high demand. If you have the qualifications or are close to finishing your degree now is the time to get yourself back in the workforce.
The nursing field seems to always be in high demand, landing a position in the top 10 list on almost every hot jobs list out there. While demanding, nursing school and the career that follows can be very gratifying, which makes a career in nursing a smart choice for 2013.
Virtual assistant
While not the most high paying position out there, becoming a virtual assistant can leave you with the flexibility and independence you need while letting you work from the comfort of your computer. Consider checking out a site like to find the perfect position for you.
Dental hygenist
The flexibility of a position as a dental hygenist can be an attractive aspect of this job, and the pay also makes this a great new career choice. Hygenists salaries have a wide range but can be as high as $67,000 annually.
Software developer
You've been dabbling in computer programming and dream of plans for the next best app for your phone, now's the time to put those dreams in motion. According to a recently released study from CareerBuilder and Economic Marketing Specialists Intl. (ESMI), there have been more than 70,000 new software developer positions created since 2010.
In the No. 3 spot on the U.S. News & World Report list of top jobs for 2013, this job is in high demand for 2013. A lucrative salary and an array of job openings all over the country make this one of the hottest professions of the new year.
Job training specialist
At a time when every company out there is trying to do things faster, better and in more cost effective manner, job trainers of all kinds are in high demand. What are your best skills? Could you turn them into a training career and find a new path for your talents this year?
Are you a few credits away from that accounting degree or do you already have one you are considering putting to good use again? Now is the time to do it. According to the Careerbuilder and EMSI study, accountants continue to be in high demand with the field maintaining steady salaries and growth since 2010.
Pet groomer/
You have seen pets dressed better than their owners, pet daycare centers and dog-walking services that cost more than your car payment. If you have a love for animals and are looking for a way to fill up your days and your pocketbook, think about putting your skills to work and looking out for someone else's pet.
Social media specialist
If you spend most of your day on Facebook, Twitter or managing your blog why not find a way to turn this time into a career? Social media specialists are in high demand as companies learn that the best way to connect with their customers is to meet them where they spend the most time... at their computer.
Women: Earn more money by pursuing these careers by Emily A. Leithauser May 28th 2010 11:30AM Updated May 28th 2010 8:51PM Despite the claims that men and women are equal in today's society, our paychecks still show a difference. Nationwide, women are making 77 cents to the dollar compared to men in the same job for workers over 16 (though it does drop to 71 cents for women and men over 25 and college-educated). That's rather discouraging to those of us still in college or just beginning our careers. Still, many jobs out there still provide a very healthy salary for women as well as men. Choose your major wisely, and you can prepare yourself for one of the best-paying jobs for women. Chemistry and biology your thing? Then you're in luck. Pharmacy is the best-paying job for women, paying on average $1,647 per week, according to a survey. Yes, pharmacy school will put you back a few years and many tens of thousands of dollars, but your paycheck after you're employed will quickly compensate you. If you'd rather work with the human body instead of medicine, you'll still be taking home a nice check. Female physicians, surgeons, physician's assistants, physical therapists, and registered nurses all earn on average over $1,000 per week. Have a keen business sense and want to run your own company? An undergrad business degree is fine, but an MBA or a doctorate will help you earn about $10,000 to $20,000 more per year. Business is the ideal field to work your way up the ladder to a bigger paycheck even if you don't have a college degree, but you may be in trouble if you lose your job during your ascent. Experts argue whether experience or education is more important when seeking a job. This article on tells of people who worked their way up from entry-level positions without a degree that couldn't find a job after being laid off. Their experience made them overqualified for entry level positions, but their education left them under qualified for anything but entry level. Others didn't have trouble. It's a gamble. Play it safe, though, and get the degree. Companies won't refuse you an interview just because you are a college graduate, but they could turn you down without that diploma. Angela Braly, CEO and President of WellPoint, Inc., is a prime example of a woman who has made the most of her business education. She has a bachelor's degree in finance from Texas Tech and earned her juris doctor from Southern Methodist University's Dedman School of Law. She told Money College that her original plan in undergrad was to pursue banking, but "every business course seemed somewhat incomplete, because behind many of the business issues was a legal requirement." So she immediately went to law school to further her education. Now, as CEO, she is one of the most powerful women in the world, according to Forbes. She credits her teachers as well as her family for shaping her as a business person. Computer science and engineering are also majors that can leave women rolling in the dough. Computer software engineers, computer and information systems managers, computer scientists, and systems analysts are all high-paying careers. Systems engineers can have a starting salary near $50,000 with promise for growth and promotion. But you'll be the minority in your engineering classes. While women make up approximately 56% of the nation's college students, they haven't yet fully embraced the majors with most promising futures. Consider schools like MIT, Georgia Tech, and Purdue University, all known for producing professionals in science, mathematics, and engineering. But the student bodies at these schools are overwhelmingly male. Women make up 42% of the student body at Purdue University's main campus in West Lafayette, Ind., and account for 37% of science students, 18.5% of engineering students, and only 13% of technology students. These numbers have held relatively stable for the past decade, too. Georgia Tech only offers majors in architecture, computing, and engineering, and its student body is 23% female. It can be rather intimidating to be one of only a few female students in a lecture hall full of men, but it doesn't have to be a bad thing. A few women who chose male-dominated majors at Louisiana State University said that being the minority pushed them to perform better in the classroom to prove they could compete with the men. One woman also mentioned that the professors were more likely to know her name because being a woman made her stand out. Braly said about half of her classmates in law school were female and doesn't believe she missed any opportunities because she is a woman. "I have not had to face what is often thought of as a 'glass ceiling,' but I do believe there are invisible hurdles that are often unseen by men; they are real and they force women to make choices throughout their careers," Braly told Money College. You'll also have the upper hand when searching for a job in these traditionally male-dominated fields. Female engineers, doctors, computer scientists, and other science- or technology-driven careers are highly desired by employers because of the diversity they offer the company. You may have less competition if you're one of few women qualified for the job, which will help when negotiating a salary. Don't let your sex determine what you can and cannot do. Choose a major based on your strengths, not what society says women should do. Your college offers many resources to you from career services to professors' own advice. "Talk to your professors about the things you are interested in doing and how that might lead you to the right career," Braly said. "Your career is not going to be a single straight line – you have to be open to new possibilities."
Women: Earn more money by pursuing these careers
by Emily A. Leithauser May 28th 2010 11:30AM
Updated May 28th 2010 8:51PM
Chemistry and biology your thing? Then you're in luck. Pharmacy is the best-paying job for women, paying on average $1,647 per week, according to a CareerBuilder.comsurvey. Yes, pharmacy school will put you back a few years and many tens of thousands of dollars, but your paycheck after you're employed will quickly compensate you.
If you'd rather work with the human body instead of medicine, you'll still be taking home a nice check. Female physicians, surgeons, physician's assistants, physical therapists, and registered nurses all earn on average over $1,000 per week.
Have a keen business sense and want to run your own company? An undergrad business degree is fine, but an MBA or a doctorate will help you earn about $10,000 to $20,000 more per year. Business is the ideal field to work your way up the ladder to a bigger paycheck even if you don't have a college degree, but you may be in trouble if you lose your job during your ascent.
Experts argue whether experience or education is more important when seeking a job.This article on tells of people who worked their way up from entry-level positions without a degree that couldn't find a job after being laid off. Their experience made them overqualified for entry level positions, but their education left them under qualified for anything but entry level.
Others didn't have trouble. It's a gamble. Play it safe, though, and get the degree. Companies won't refuse you an interview just because you are a college graduate, but they could turn you down without that diploma.
Angela Braly, CEO and President of WellPoint, Inc., is a prime example of a woman who has made the most of her business education. She has a bachelor's degree in finance from Texas Tech and earned her juris doctor from Southern Methodist University'sDedman School of Law.
She told Money College that her original plan in undergrad was to pursue banking, but "every business course seemed somewhat incomplete, because behind many of the business issues was a legal requirement." So she immediately went to law school to further her education. Now, as CEO, she is one of the most powerful women in the world, according to Forbes. She credits her teachers as well as her family for shaping her as a business person.
Computer science and engineering are also majors that can leave women rolling in the dough. Computer software engineers, computer and information systems managers, computer scientists, and systems analysts are all high-paying careers. Systems engineers can have a starting salary near $50,000 with promise for growth and promotion. But you'll be the minority in your engineering classes.
While women make up approximately 56% of the nation's college students, they haven't yet fully embraced the majors with most promising futures. Consider schools like MIT, Georgia Tech, and Purdue University, all known for producing professionals in science, mathematics, and engineering. But the student bodies at these schools are overwhelmingly male.
Women make up 42% of the student body at Purdue University's main campus in West Lafayette, Ind., and account for 37% of science students, 18.5% of engineering students, and only 13% of technology students. These numbers have held relatively stable for the past decade, too. Georgia Tech only offers majors in architecture, computing, and engineering, and its student body is 23% female.
It can be rather intimidating to be one of only a few female students in a lecture hall full of men, but it doesn't have to be a bad thing. A few women who chose male-dominated majors at Louisiana State University said that being the minority pushed them to perform better in the classroom to prove they could compete with the men. One woman also mentioned that the professors were more likely to know her name because being a woman made her stand out.
Braly said about half of her classmates in law school were female and doesn't believe she missed any opportunities because she is a woman. "I have not had to face what is often thought of as a 'glass ceiling,' but I do believe there are invisible hurdles that are often unseen by men; they are real and they force women to make choices throughout their careers," Braly told Money College.
You'll also have the upper hand when searching for a job in these traditionally male-dominated fields. Female engineers, doctors, computer scientists, and other science- or technology-driven careers are highly desired by employers because of the diversity they offer the company. You may have less competition if you're one of few women qualified for the job, which will help when negotiating a salary.
Don't let your sex determine what you can and cannot do. Choose a major based on your strengths, not what society says women should do. Your college offers many resources to you from career services to professors' own advice. "Talk to your professors about the things you are interested in doing and how that might lead you to the right career," Braly said. "Your career is not going to be a single straight line – you have to be open to new possibilities."
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
And these Bitches.. these bitches.... FB is such a burn .. If I had a girl .. she wouldn't be on here... Posting your death .. more likes, MEANS MORE PROBLEMS .. ANd these bitches. these bitches aint trying to fuck , unless you rolling new lexus Whattt ... No point of Promoting on fb .. Nobody gives a fuck. fb made everyone hate everyone... AND Every rapper getting money like a mothafucka . and the ones making cash yelling at the fakes, fakes yelling at the real , then the middle yelling at both , and they all talk shit about The team they got... hate on themselves even while they sleep they are so in denial .. so confused .. so lost .. trying to claim a style or a way San Diego acts or talks , but the ppl aint feeling it .. more ads aint gonna do shit .. more tracks and radio ads wont help either.. more clubs, clothes, pics, and videos with 500,000 views wont help cuz if you famous ? why in your hometown nobody trying to kick it with you ? Its fake fame, fake name .. fake lames, or real dudes wanting what ? more likes.... head from dikes, more weed, and more props? More Respect ? hey maybe rappers want that.. Respect . on the streets ..
And these Bitches.. these bitches.... FB is such a burn .. If I had a girl .. she wouldn't be on here... Posting your death .. more likes, MEANS MORE PROBLEMS .. ANd these bitches. these bitches aint trying to fuck , unless you rolling new lexus Whattt ... No point of Promoting on fb .. Nobody gives a fuck. fb made everyone hate everyone... AND Every rapper getting money like a mothafucka . and the ones making cash yelling at the fakes, fakes yelling at the real , then the middle yelling at both , and they all talk shit about The team they got... hate on themselves even while they sleep they are so in denial .. so confused .. so lost .. trying to claim a style or a way San Diego acts or talks , but the ppl aint feeling it .. more ads aint gonna do shit .. more tracks and radio ads wont help either.. more clubs, clothes, pics, and videos with 500,000 views wont help cuz if you famous ? why in your hometown nobody trying to kick it with you ? Its fake fame, fake name .. fake lames, or real dudes wanting what ? more likes.... head from dikes, more weed, and more props? More Respect ? hey maybe rappers want that.. Respect . on the streets ..
Alot of the videos by rappers are getting more gangster, everyday .. More stacks, more drug deals, more ghetto looking, mean mugging, phone calling, Transaction full videos with rappers yelling they move this, and sell that, and got this, and shoot that. and run this block, and these hoes jock ... and its cool . i mean if they feel that .. THAT IS What is important in life .. The Black rappers love to sing how they MOVE THA Most, PLUG tha MOST , Hold THa MOST ... Im thinking if they moving bud , they moving coke, they movin pills ?? then they are just the middle men .. taking all the risk .. Real WEIGHT IS 1,000 KEYS a WEEK ,and thats small weight just for a few small NEVADA and MONTANA.... not some bag .. thats little dude sacks .. , . and screaming on tv they are involved with criminal activity . Its like your turning yourself in ? thats not cool ! .. and how can anyone Be the biggest? there is always a bigger fish .. in any game .. idk .. maybe they love it, cuz its hard. you know.. but Im over it .. Been over it .. maybe when your 19 turn ten into twenty , 100 into 200 . half O to O .. FULL O to HALF P .. now your STACKING chips G . . thats cool at that age . not 28 and rapping on Videos and tour , what are you teaching the next generation anyways with that crap . no wonder the kids listen to ROck and Metal ... but you grow out of it .. cuz we all know where that life ends .. Dead or IN JAIL .. paranoid , sleeping with a strap. Looking over your shoulder . and the game is soo fucked up . Cops watching way too MUch BET , they on to everything .. no place to hide.. but in plain sight .. And why is being a drug dealer cool ? The Corrido guys Sing about what ? KILLING Their own people ? thats sad .. a war with each other . kidnapping kids and killing them.. YHA THATS REAL COOL !!! lets sing about it !! . thats wack .. . thats for low class dudes to talk about .. Corrido's were better when they spoke about Love, and the moon, and your heart, and pain from a broken heart , not about material things, not about holding guns, not about hurting people, not about being a KILLER ... its low class people who follow low class figures .. They say DRINK REMY or Buchanans and they drink that .. they clones.. can't even be yourself , just follow the crowd ... And these Bitches.. these bitches.... FB is such a burn .. If I had a girl .. she wouldn't be on here... Posting your death .. more likes, MEANS MORE PROBLEMS .. ANd these bitches. these bitches aint trying to fuck , unless you rolling new lexus Whattt ... No point of Promoting on fb .. Nobody gives a fuck. fb made everyone hate everyone... AND Every rapper getting money like a mothafucka . and the ones making cash yelling at the fakes, fakes yelling at the real , then the middle yelling at both , and they all talk shit about The team they got... hate on themselves even while they sleep they are so in denial .. so confused .. so lost .. trying to claim a style or a way San Diego acts or talks , but the ppl aint feeling it .. more ads aint gonna do shit .. more tracks and radio ads wont help either.. more clubs, clothes, pics, and videos with 500,000 views wont help cuz if you famous ? why in your hometown nobody trying to kick it with you ? Its fake fame, fake name .. fake lames, or real dudes wanting what ? more likes.... head from dikes, more weed, and more props? More Respect ? hey maybe rappers want that.. Respect . on the streets .. If you want PROPS? You need to get out there and EARN IT .. you want Respect , well then Give Respect to the city of SD .. show some love.. Yha i know "you show love and aint no love back " ... sure .. I KNOW all about that .. You could be DOWN FOR SD ,, Down for Music, DOWN for The Scene.. Love every race... but you can't post a new video up with you in a new bentley with 100 bitches in tha vip . smoking cheech and chong blunts .. and pretend that is your normal life.. cuz WE don't live like that. and Over time I realized , i never wanna live like that .. looking like a dork ... The thing is everyone is doing events, Selling this, Making that music, doing that video, taking that pic, doing that post. .. FOR WHAT .. THE FAME. the LIKES. the LOVE. the RESPECT, The PRops ..and when you give it your all. and you don't get shit back. your pissed . I know.. You put your life into this .. BUT WE put in work, not for anything in return .. We did it for the Love.. Of the City. for tha Homies.. charged it to the game.. They will love you, but just as quick hate you .. Its like a little kid, they keep wanting kandy , they want it now.. you feed him, he wants more... and when your out, they move on, but your glad.. your happy for the chance to do it .. right.. For the world .. To see how we live... how we are.. This shit rappers put in videos showing sd is some bullshit . i never seen any of that in my life and i live here.. its fake, its over exasperated , exaggerated , its played.. i know you wanna look cool . but you can have swag with just some clean clothes from ross .. and a lean, with a corona and 1 girl who you actually know.. not some hired hoes on fb .. who take a pic in the mirror every 4 hours for more stalkers.. then they say IM BURNT I HATE FB . bitch you did that to yourself .. Idk . if people were more themselves .. I would be happy to give someone props ... if rappers were more in touch with mexicans in Sd, i would be happy to bump it .. its like they are stuck in a time warp. when the streets moved on .. " Its like prescilla at PULGAS. she's 3 years late .. when gangstas were there... but people wanna be cool . fit in . they wanna be apart of the crowd .. I say fuck the everyday crowd, cuz They don't pay me, wont when im broke stay.., get me laid, and won't have my back when a gun spray .. or say nothing when police ask who's the guy with PIRATE BAY .. " I love all my homies, and the fools who i don't know know was up . .. But all this shit ppl are pushing is soo fucking wack .it makes you all look bad.. i wish you would do something real. something sick, that even i can say . Thats dope .. It's not about being selfish, or having the biggest party, take shit back to .. having fun .. smiling . spending time with your homies.. cuz thats the secret .. the party aint at the club or where the flyer says.. it's where you and your click at ... vip stays around you at all times.. and it aint about where your going. Its really the mission !!
Alot of the videos by rappers are getting more gangster, everyday .. More stacks, more drug deals, more ghetto looking, mean mugging, phone calling, Transaction full videos with rappers yelling they move this, and sell that, and got this, and shoot that. and run this block, and these hoes jock ... and its cool . i mean if they feel that .. THAT IS What is important in life .. The Black rappers love to sing how they MOVE THA Most, PLUG tha MOST , Hold THa MOST ...
Im thinking if they moving bud , they moving coke, they movin pills ?? then they are just the middle men .. taking all the risk .. Real WEIGHT IS 1,000 KEYS a WEEK ,and thats small weight just for a few small NEVADA and MONTANA.... not some bag .. thats little dude sacks .. , . and screaming on tv they are involved with criminal activity . Its like your turning yourself in ? thats not cool ! .. and how can anyone Be the biggest? there is always a bigger fish .. in any game ..
idk .. maybe they love it, cuz its hard. you know.. but Im over it .. Been over it .. maybe when your 19 turn ten into twenty , 100 into 200 . half O to O .. FULL O to HALF P .. now your STACKING chips G . . thats cool at that age . not 28 and rapping on Videos and tour , what are you teaching the next generation anyways with that crap . no wonder the kids listen to ROck and Metal ...
but you grow out of it .. cuz we all know where that life ends .. Dead or IN JAIL .. paranoid , sleeping with a strap. Looking over your shoulder . and the game is soo fucked up . Cops watching way too MUch BET , they on to everything .. no place to hide.. but in plain sight ..
And why is being a drug dealer cool ? The Corrido guys Sing about what ? KILLING Their own people ? thats sad .. a war with each other . kidnapping kids and killing them.. YHA THATS REAL COOL !!! lets sing about it !! . thats wack .. . thats for low class dudes to talk about .. Corrido's were better when they spoke about Love, and the moon, and your heart, and pain from a broken heart , not about material things, not about holding guns, not about hurting people, not about being a KILLER ... its low class people who follow low class figures .. They say DRINK REMY or Buchanans and they drink that .. they clones.. can't even be yourself , just follow the crowd ...
And these Bitches.. these bitches.... FB is such a burn .. If I had a girl .. she wouldn't be on here... Posting your death .. more likes, MEANS MORE PROBLEMS .. ANd these bitches. these bitches aint trying to fuck , unless you rolling new lexus Whattt ... No point of Promoting on fb .. Nobody gives a fuck. fb made everyone hate everyone... AND Every rapper getting money like a mothafucka . and the ones making cash yelling at the fakes, fakes yelling at the real , then the middle yelling at both , and they all talk shit about The team they got... hate on themselves even while they sleep they are so in denial .. so confused .. so lost .. trying to claim a style or a way San Diego acts or talks , but the ppl aint feeling it .. more ads aint gonna do shit .. more tracks and radio ads wont help either.. more clubs, clothes, pics, and videos with 500,000 views wont help cuz if you famous ? why in your hometown nobody trying to kick it with you ? Its fake fame, fake name .. fake lames, or real dudes wanting what ? more likes.... head from dikes, more weed, and more props? More Respect ? hey maybe rappers want that.. Respect . on the streets ..
If you want PROPS? You need to get out there and EARN IT .. you want Respect , well then Give Respect to the city of SD .. show some love.. Yha i know "you show love and aint no love back " ... sure .. I KNOW all about that .. You could be DOWN FOR SD ,, Down for Music, DOWN for The Scene.. Love every race... but you can't post a new video up with you in a new bentley with 100 bitches in tha vip . smoking cheech and chong blunts .. and pretend that is your normal life.. cuz WE don't live like that. and Over time I realized , i never wanna live like that .. looking like a dork ... The thing is everyone is doing events, Selling this, Making that music, doing that video, taking that pic, doing that post. .. FOR WHAT .. THE FAME. the LIKES. the LOVE. the RESPECT, The PRops ..and when you give it your all. and you don't get shit back. your pissed . I know.. You put your life into this ..
BUT WE put in work, not for anything in return .. We did it for the Love.. Of the City. for tha Homies.. charged it to the game.. They will love you, but just as quick hate you .. Its like a little kid, they keep wanting kandy , they want it now.. you feed him, he wants more... and when your out, they move on, but your glad.. your happy for the chance to do it .. right.. For the world .. To see how we live... how we are.. This shit rappers put in videos showing sd is some bullshit . i never seen any of that in my life and i live here.. its fake, its over exasperated , exaggerated , its played.. i know you wanna look cool . but you can have swag with just some clean clothes from ross .. and a lean, with a corona and 1 girl who you actually know.. not some hired hoes on fb .. who take a pic in the mirror every 4 hours for more stalkers.. then they say IM BURNT I HATE FB . bitch you did that to yourself ..
Idk . if people were more themselves .. I would be happy to give someone props ... if rappers were more in touch with mexicans in Sd, i would be happy to bump it .. its like they are stuck in a time warp. when the streets moved on .. " Its like prescilla at PULGAS. she's 3 years late .. when gangstas were there... but people wanna be cool . fit in . they wanna be apart of the crowd .. I say fuck the everyday crowd, cuz They don't pay me, wont when im broke stay.., get me laid, and won't have my back when a gun spray .. or say nothing when police ask who's the guy with PIRATE BAY .. "
I love all my homies, and the fools who i don't know know was up . .. But all this shit ppl are pushing is soo fucking wack .it makes you all look bad.. i wish you would do something real. something sick, that even i can say . Thats dope .. It's not about being selfish, or having the biggest party, take shit back to .. having fun .. smiling . spending time with your homies.. cuz thats the secret .. the party aint at the club or where the flyer says.. it's where you and your click at ... vip stays around you at all times.. and it aint about where your going. Its really the mission !!
Im thinking if they moving bud , they moving coke, they movin pills ?? then they are just the middle men .. taking all the risk .. Real WEIGHT IS 1,000 KEYS a WEEK ,and thats small weight just for a few small NEVADA and MONTANA.... not some bag .. thats little dude sacks .. , . and screaming on tv they are involved with criminal activity . Its like your turning yourself in ? thats not cool ! .. and how can anyone Be the biggest? there is always a bigger fish .. in any game ..
idk .. maybe they love it, cuz its hard. you know.. but Im over it .. Been over it .. maybe when your 19 turn ten into twenty , 100 into 200 . half O to O .. FULL O to HALF P .. now your STACKING chips G . . thats cool at that age . not 28 and rapping on Videos and tour , what are you teaching the next generation anyways with that crap . no wonder the kids listen to ROck and Metal ...
but you grow out of it .. cuz we all know where that life ends .. Dead or IN JAIL .. paranoid , sleeping with a strap. Looking over your shoulder . and the game is soo fucked up . Cops watching way too MUch BET , they on to everything .. no place to hide.. but in plain sight ..
And why is being a drug dealer cool ? The Corrido guys Sing about what ? KILLING Their own people ? thats sad .. a war with each other . kidnapping kids and killing them.. YHA THATS REAL COOL !!! lets sing about it !! . thats wack .. . thats for low class dudes to talk about .. Corrido's were better when they spoke about Love, and the moon, and your heart, and pain from a broken heart , not about material things, not about holding guns, not about hurting people, not about being a KILLER ... its low class people who follow low class figures .. They say DRINK REMY or Buchanans and they drink that .. they clones.. can't even be yourself , just follow the crowd ...
And these Bitches.. these bitches.... FB is such a burn .. If I had a girl .. she wouldn't be on here... Posting your death .. more likes, MEANS MORE PROBLEMS .. ANd these bitches. these bitches aint trying to fuck , unless you rolling new lexus Whattt ... No point of Promoting on fb .. Nobody gives a fuck. fb made everyone hate everyone... AND Every rapper getting money like a mothafucka . and the ones making cash yelling at the fakes, fakes yelling at the real , then the middle yelling at both , and they all talk shit about The team they got... hate on themselves even while they sleep they are so in denial .. so confused .. so lost .. trying to claim a style or a way San Diego acts or talks , but the ppl aint feeling it .. more ads aint gonna do shit .. more tracks and radio ads wont help either.. more clubs, clothes, pics, and videos with 500,000 views wont help cuz if you famous ? why in your hometown nobody trying to kick it with you ? Its fake fame, fake name .. fake lames, or real dudes wanting what ? more likes.... head from dikes, more weed, and more props? More Respect ? hey maybe rappers want that.. Respect . on the streets ..
If you want PROPS? You need to get out there and EARN IT .. you want Respect , well then Give Respect to the city of SD .. show some love.. Yha i know "you show love and aint no love back " ... sure .. I KNOW all about that .. You could be DOWN FOR SD ,, Down for Music, DOWN for The Scene.. Love every race... but you can't post a new video up with you in a new bentley with 100 bitches in tha vip . smoking cheech and chong blunts .. and pretend that is your normal life.. cuz WE don't live like that. and Over time I realized , i never wanna live like that .. looking like a dork ... The thing is everyone is doing events, Selling this, Making that music, doing that video, taking that pic, doing that post. .. FOR WHAT .. THE FAME. the LIKES. the LOVE. the RESPECT, The PRops ..and when you give it your all. and you don't get shit back. your pissed . I know.. You put your life into this ..
BUT WE put in work, not for anything in return .. We did it for the Love.. Of the City. for tha Homies.. charged it to the game.. They will love you, but just as quick hate you .. Its like a little kid, they keep wanting kandy , they want it now.. you feed him, he wants more... and when your out, they move on, but your glad.. your happy for the chance to do it .. right.. For the world .. To see how we live... how we are.. This shit rappers put in videos showing sd is some bullshit . i never seen any of that in my life and i live here.. its fake, its over exasperated , exaggerated , its played.. i know you wanna look cool . but you can have swag with just some clean clothes from ross .. and a lean, with a corona and 1 girl who you actually know.. not some hired hoes on fb .. who take a pic in the mirror every 4 hours for more stalkers.. then they say IM BURNT I HATE FB . bitch you did that to yourself ..
Idk . if people were more themselves .. I would be happy to give someone props ... if rappers were more in touch with mexicans in Sd, i would be happy to bump it .. its like they are stuck in a time warp. when the streets moved on .. " Its like prescilla at PULGAS. she's 3 years late .. when gangstas were there... but people wanna be cool . fit in . they wanna be apart of the crowd .. I say fuck the everyday crowd, cuz They don't pay me, wont when im broke stay.., get me laid, and won't have my back when a gun spray .. or say nothing when police ask who's the guy with PIRATE BAY .. "
I love all my homies, and the fools who i don't know know was up . .. But all this shit ppl are pushing is soo fucking wack .it makes you all look bad.. i wish you would do something real. something sick, that even i can say . Thats dope .. It's not about being selfish, or having the biggest party, take shit back to .. having fun .. smiling . spending time with your homies.. cuz thats the secret .. the party aint at the club or where the flyer says.. it's where you and your click at ... vip stays around you at all times.. and it aint about where your going. Its really the mission !!
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Some Duckets Dude Try TO on INSTAGRAM taggin me , tryin to be saying Shit .. I aint Worrying ABOUT NOTHIN ..My NIGGAs i AINT WORRIED ABOUT NOTHIN .. ahhhhh Duqckets .. Not Duckets Wanna TOUCH ME .Say THEY GONNA MERK ME... NIGGAs i AINT WORRIED ABOUT NOTHIN .. ahhhhh AINT WORRIED ABOUT NOTHIN .. You dont have to like this .. THA BIG CONNECT IN CHULA IS WITH ME, NIGGA I AINT WORRIED ABOUT NOTHIN ,..
Some Duckets Dude Try TO on INSTAGRAM taggin me , tryin to be saying Shit .. I aint Worrying ABOUT NOTHIN ..My NIGGAs i AINT WORRIED ABOUT NOTHIN .. ahhhhh .. Not Duckets Wanna TOUCH ME .Say THEY GONNA MERK ME... NIGGAs i AINT WORRIED ABOUT NOTHIN .. ahhhhh AINT WORRIED ABOUT NOTHIN .. You dont have to like this .. THA BIG CONNECT IN CHULA IS WITH ME, NIGGA I AINT WORRIED ABOUT NOTHIN ,..
You dont need fb dog .. Its full of Snitches and FBI agents .. Plus any DEA dude who WANNA Get PROMOTED .. I just keep mine open to talk to my homies. but on the business side .. You dnt even need this shit. DNT need a twitter either .. a TUMBLR .. Instagram .. a youtube.. a vimeo .. and a Blogger connected to google+ .. With .. your straight . Ill dailymotion a bit .. Flikr a bit . Fourquare and yelp for fun . BUT MY MAIN MONEY .. THE BIG CASH .. IS in TORRENTS , YOUTUBE , the blogger and tumblr. just Enforce the Movement . keeps the Communication going with everyone .. I AINT scared to go new account on youtube.. FUCk subscribers, fuck likes.. Fuck followers. I DONT NEED any of that shit.. IF your putting out Fire.. If your putting quality work. and you dnt give a fuck .. The ppl will come ..
You dont need fb dog .. Its full of Snitches and FBI agents .. Plus any DEA dude who WANNA Get PROMOTED .. I just keep mine open to talk to my homies. but on the business side .. You dnt even need this shit. DNT need a twitter either .. a TUMBLR .. Instagram .. a youtube.. a vimeo .. and a Blogger connected to google+ .. With .. your straight . Ill dailymotion a bit .. Flikr a bit . Fourquare and yelp for fun . BUT MY MAIN MONEY .. THE BIG CASH .. IS in TORRENTS , YOUTUBE , the blogger and tumblr. just Enforce the Movement . keeps the Communication going with everyone .. I AINT scared to go new account on youtube.. FUCk subscribers, fuck likes.. Fuck followers. I DONT NEED any of that shit.. IF your putting out Fire.. If your putting quality work. and you dnt give a fuck .. The ppl will come ..
are you 5Times posting ? you know youtube aint the only Distribution Connect in town.. sure its quick millions. I know. I got 30+ million view videos .. and I owe everything to youtube .. But Like real dudes.. Vimeo dog .. and Torrents i do well .. And on the underground Im saving ALL pics and videos on archives run by the US goverment . when Youtube goes down. My shit still will be up .. That backup shit. people search that shit. and get high rez full files and they post my shit for me..
are you 5Times posting ? you know youtube aint the only Distribution Connect in town.. sure its quick millions. I know. I got 30+ million view videos .. and I owe everything to youtube .. But Like real dudes.. Vimeo dog .. and Torrents i do well .. And on the underground Im saving ALL pics and videos on archives run by the US goverment . when Youtube goes down. My shit still will be up .. That backup shit. people search that shit. and get high rez full files and they post my shit for me..
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
R.I.P. RIP !! To OUR BOSS !! james gandolfini AKA TONY SOPRANo .. Died in ITAly Today ... Rest in Peace. BIG TONE !!
R.I.P. RIP !! To OUR BOSS !! james gandolfini AKA TONY SOPRANo .. Died in ITAly Today ... Rest in Peace. BIG TONE !!
R.I.P. RIP !! To OUR BOSS !! james gandolfini AKA TONY SOPRANo .. Died in ITAly Today ... Rest in Peace. BIG TONE !! R.I.P. RIP !! To OUR BOSS !! james gandolfini AKA TONY SOPRANo .. Died in ITAly Today ... Rest in Peace. BIG TONE !!
R.I.P. RIP !! To OUR BOSS !! james gandolfini AKA TONY SOPRANo .. Died in ITAly Today ... Rest in Peace. BIG TONE !! R.I.P. RIP !! To OUR BOSS !! james gandolfini AKA TONY SOPRANo .. Died in ITAly Today ... Rest in Peace. BIG TONE !!
R.I.P. RIP !! To OUR BOSS !! james gandolfini AKA TONY SOPRANo .. Died in ITAly Today ... Rest in Peace. BIG TONE !!
R.I.P. RIP !! To OUR BOSS !! james gandolfini AKA TONY SOPRANo .. Died in ITAly Today ... Rest in Peace. BIG TONE !!
RIP !! To OUR BOSS !! james gandolfini AKA TONY SOPRANo .. Died in ITAly Today ... Rest in Peace. BIG TONE !!
RIP !! To OUR BOSS !! james gandolfini AKA TONY SOPRANo .. Died in ITAly Today ... Rest in Peace. BIG TONE !!
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